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The Ultimate Sustainable Hair Care Product Buying Guide

We have yet to meet someone who does not enjoy the pampering of a hair care routine. Oh, the peace that it brings… We know we enjoy it!
But how many of us consider the environmental impact of our hair care products?

Here’s what you can do to make your hair care more sustainable:

  • Don’t take a bath with scalding hot water. Use a reasonable temperature to avoid damaging your hair AND save electricity.
  • Don’t wash your hair every day. It rips the hair of the natural moisture and oils plus wastes water.
  • Use eco-friendly hair care products.

Did the last one leave you with any unanswered questions? “What’s in sustainable hair care products, and where can I find them?”

If so, we’ve got all the answers! Just keep reading to find out everything you need to know about sustainable hair care products, as well as a one-stop shop for them.

Sustainable Hair Care Products Are Organic, Vegan, And Cruelty-Free

Organic, natural, vegan, bio-degradable, and environmentally friendly ingredients are used in manufacturing sustainable hair care products.

Animals are not harmed during testing or to get a component.

Furthermore, sustainable hair care products do not include overpowering smells. These dangerous substances, such as phthalates and styrenes, create significant health issues such as cancer.

Paraben is another harmful ingredient in common hair care products. It is a preservative known for interfering with the human hormone system. Sulfates, paraffin wax, and ethoxylated methylisothiazolinone are all hazardous to human health and the environment. In contrast to traditional products, ethical hair care products do not contain any of them and instead rely solely on natural components.

Pure Moroccan ELIXIR D’ARGAN Oil is a prime example. It contains no chemical additives, parabens, silicones, chemical surfactants, plastic, animal testing, or fats derived from animals.

Sustainable Hair Care Products Are Sourced Ethically

Manufacturers of sustainable hair care products who adhere to ethical standards consider the components of their goods and the manufacturing process itself. They respect their employees’ rights and create a safe and healthy working environment.

These companies are also involved in the fight against child labour and slavery on farms that produce necessary ingredients for hair care products, such as shea nuts, coconut, vanilla, and almonds.

Furthermore, firms that manufacture eco-friendly hair care products help individuals of culturally and ethnically underrepresented groups by providing employment and recognition.

Ethical Hair Care Products packaging is made of non-plastic materials

Check out the Shampoo Bar for All Hair Types at SiS. Take note of the non-plastic, eco-friendly packaging.

The same holds for all sustainable hair care products. They come in glass bottles, metal containers, paper wrapping, or other environmentally friendly packaging. These materials are biodegradable and reusable, and their production does not harm the environment by emitting tonnes of smoke into the atmosphere.

Furthermore, most sustainable hair care companies have a recycling, return, or refill program to conserve resources and lower their carbon impact.

Where Can You Find Them?

Now that you know eco-friendly hair care products are beneficial, you should find out where you can get them all at a discount. Swiss Impact Store is a one-stop store for all things environmentally friendly. So, what are you holding out for? Begin shopping right away!