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Skin Care




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What makes sustainable skin care the newest craze in the cosmetics sector?

We’ve thought about what goes into our beauty products for over ten years.

We learned how our lipsticks are full of lead, our hair treatments can cause severe disease, and our skincare products are full of hazardous talc.

These were the kinds of discoveries that usually led to the creation of safe, non-toxic alternatives to regular cosmetics. But as time passed, we learned how our makeup, which seemed harmless, affected the environment, animals, and people. So many things needed to be corrected!

And following years of development, eco-friendly skin care is currently sweeping the beauty sector. These goods are kind, safe, environmentally friendly, and made with morally sound practices.

To understand how these sustainable skin care products differ from traditional ones, let’s look at them.

Sustainable skin care products are made with ethical sourcing

Manufacturers of sustainable skin care take into account both the manufacturing process and the materials they use in their products. They guarantee their employees fair pay, labour rights, and safe working conditions.

These companies also oppose child labour and slavery on farms where essential ingredients for skincare products, such as shea nuts, coconut, vanilla, and almonds, are grown.

Also, companies that make ethical skin care products help underrepresented racial and cultural groups by hiring and promoting them.

Sustainable skin care practices consider animal rights

Many cosmetics and skin care products have milk, butter, beeswax, and other substances from animals. These components encourage unethical animal production, harvesting, and slaughter.

Sustainable skin care products are vegan and free of animal testing. They have parts from plants, and no animals are hurt in the making or testing of them. The best part is that they are incredibly gentle on your skin and are unlikely to cause a reaction.

They adhere to a zero-waste philosophy

Every year, the global beauty business generates 120 million units of packaging trash. The statistics are so dire that we need to take action now!
Rigid, difficult-to-recycle, and non-biodegradable plastic makes up most of the packaging. It never breaks down; it only increases the amount of waste in the world. The packaging of sustainable skin care goods is recyclable, refillable, and made of materials other than plastic.

The Natural Bamboo Swabs by TerraMavi, for instance, come in plastic-free packaging. They place every batch in an environmentally friendly, fully recyclable paper box. The packaging even has biodegradable stickers on it!
H2: Sustainable skin care saves resources.

Their zero-waste philosophy extends beyond the packaging made without plastic. The manufacture of eco-friendly skin care products is energy and resource-efficient. At every step of the production process, there are strict rules about how much water, energy, and fuel gas are used. Additionally, these companies run their facilities with clean and environmentally friendly energy sources like solar panels or wind turbines.

Furthermore, unlike their throwaway counterparts, sustainable skin care goods like the Crocheted Makeup Remover Pads by Mido encourage reusability.

They manage their emissions.

According to a study, the cosmetics sector contributes to half of the VOCs released into the air in urban areas. VOCs are compounds that harm the environment and cause air pollution when released from specific solids and liquids.

But companies that make ethical skincare keep an eye on how many VOCs and other pollutants they put out. Before being released into the atmosphere, the emissions are tracked, filtered, and neutralised.

The use of sustainable skin care is the way of the future. Influencers are promoting them, and celebrities adore showing them off. It’s time for you to visit the Swiss Impact Store right away to buy the purest, greenest, and most ethical and sustainable skincare available!